Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Don't be afraid to dream

You can come as you are with all your broken pieces and shameful scars, all the pain in your heart you can bring it to Jesus, you can come as you are. Those are the lyrics to the song come as you are by the band Pocket Full Of Rocks. Sitting here and listening to that song paints a clear picture of where both my head and heart are but unlike the band, it's my soul that feels full of rocks.

I am quite the dreamer and shamelessly so. I love waking to see the sun rise, to listen to soulful music, to write music and poetry. I love to speak and to encourage and to facilitate conversation. Many conversations go on in my heart that my ears would banish if they managed to escape. On days like these, some things make painful sense. I have never battled thoughts of failure like i have in the last month.

This makes sense. I have a passion for people, those who see themselves as failures, worth less or even worth nothing. My heart bleeds for them. Who knew that i would battle the very things that i encourage others to attain to? I know God did. I am a firm believer in following not just your dreams but waking up and living them out. I do not believe that a human being should be defined by the money they make, where they live, the cars they drive: i believe these are simply add ons that come when dreams are not only dreamed but lived out with the right partners beside the dreamer. I believe in this life being a journey to a beautiful end but what happens when we begin to lose sight of the 'beautiful end' and even worse, fail to see any end?

'All i want is for you to be a successful man,' said my father this morning as i told him about the wedding date between my fiance and i. The context is, he knows i am a dreamer and he knows this world has a tendency to kill dreams and desire especially when they are bigger than the dreamer. How many people followed a deeply ingrained dream regardless of the voices that said they could never do it, most times their voice being in the mix? I know many, we have case studies of them, we praise them in articles and in lectures but are so fearful to be them. When did we stop dreaming and being a people who hope and envision and love the future as a blank canvas instead of a cluttered one full of rules, regulations with neither mystery nor color? Since when did i have to fight everyday to not dream?

It seems a time has come and is now here where dreams are caged and the worst enemies to our dreams are ourselves. Battling to shelve dreams does not kill the dream, it just gets passed on to a dreamer that will fight for their dream. Ever noticed that every job is one man's dream? What about yours, mine? Not that we should not have a job, but what happens to following a dream that has not necessarily been applied yet? Do we let it doe or follow it, nurture it, fight for it, pray for it, cry for it, work for it and then impart it? I guess i know how so many dreamers feel when they bury their dreams and the only people at the funeral are their mind and heart.

I am a dreamer. I am a writer, a poet, a speaker, a lover, an orator, an encourager, and most importantly a son of God and my God never lets his desires die. He says that His word will never go back to Him without accomplishing what He sent it to do. What if He sent a dream to you that you are so afraid to see rise up? Do you think it will go back to Him? No. He believes in what He has deposited in us to do. David, won't you believe it too? Dear [insert your name] won't you believe that He who started a good work in you will be faithful to complete it? He will. It is His pattern, His nature and His desire, that His word will find fertile ground ground and He will water it to completion. Till your dream, through pain, tears, joy, rain and discouragement. If your dream does not scare you to grow due to its greatness, it will limit and stagnate you due to its mediocrity.

Don't be afraid to dream.

1 comment:

  1. Kinda wish there was a like button here. Or at least a ❤️ Button
